Hotel Posada San Javier

The Parish of Santa Prisca and San Sebastián stands out among the slopes of Cerro Atachi and is one of the most beautiful buildings of Mexican Baroque architecture, featuring its facades adorned with columns and sculptures in pink quarry stone, framed by two stylized towers covered in Baroque ornamentation in their upper bodies.

The images of the patron saints stand out, and at the top is the image of the main devotion of the temple: the Immaculate Conception.

Other interesting churches where you will find altarpieces and sacred art pieces include the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Holy Veracruz and the Parish of San Miguel Arcángel. Don't miss the organ brought from Spain and the paintings signed by Miguel Cabrera.

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Hotel Posada San Javier

We preserve the colonial tradition of our city Taxco de Alarcón, Guerrero, reflected in the architecture, decoration, and atmosphere of our centrally located, tranquil, and welcoming place, which offers all the services one has in mind when seeking accommodation at affordable rates.