Hotel Posada San Javier

The Blue Pools of Atzala

Atzala, in Nahuatl, means "in the midst of the waters." That's exactly how you'll feel when visiting the Blue Pools of this municipality, located just 30 minutes from the Magical Town of Taxco.

The most attractive feature of this natural water park is the turquoise color of its waters. Upon arrival, you'll find seven pools surrounded by waterfalls and rocky walls.

The place is ideal for cooling off during hot seasons. Although the water is cold, you'll quickly get used to it.

We recommend visiting the Blue Pools of Atzala from November to May, the season when the fascinating color of these natural pools is best perceived, especially when it's not the rainy season.

If you don't know how to swim, we suggest that the first thing you do upon arrival is to rent a life jacket, especially if you're with children, as the pools reach depths of up to eight meters.

About Us

Hotel Posada San Javier

We preserve the colonial tradition of our city Taxco de Alarcón, Guerrero, reflected in the architecture, decoration, and atmosphere of our centrally located, tranquil, and welcoming place, which offers all the services one has in mind when seeking accommodation at affordable rates.